The Basque Museum & Cultural Center has partnered with AIKO Dance school based in the Basque Country and led by Dr. Sabin Bikandi. Now, for the first time ever, a full range of dance and music lessons, workshops, and resources are available in English and to students here in North America.
AIKO Eskola is the first digital school of Basque Traditional Dance of its kind. You can participate from anywhere in the world, with just one click.
The collective of musicians and dance instructors have been characterized for promoting pioneering and innovative projects, with over three decades of experience. The AIKO method is progressive, natural, and ergonomic technique that understands the relationship between music and movement, and learning through enjoying. Now, AIKO is a forerunner in teachings basics of the jota, arin-arin, mutildanzas, jauzis, mazurca, polka, habanera and the waltz, as well utilizing their unique digital platform.
Live classes take place from October to June on a weekly basis and in 3 languages – accessible for the first time to the entire world.
Classes in ENGLISH are held on Sundays at 11:30 AM MTN Time (19:30 Basque Country)
The expansive A La Carte section on the AIKO platform for the first time contains all the jauzis and multidanzas and a complete collection od dance steps recorded clearly and didactically to allow you to practice, improvise, and create your own choreographic, step by step.
This innovative system and new technology shows in a simple graphic way how to synchronize movements and music. Features include slow or fast motion playback without modifying the music, loop playbacks, 180° rotation, and true control over the learning experience.
© Aiko Taldea • 634 423 539 •